
package docSample


This is the root package and the place to describe how to use your software tool, platform, or framework.

Code commenting caters to two distinct workflows. One is the user of the code and the other is the maintainer of the code. Scaladoc is used to create a software API that is entirely accessible through a web browser. So, it caters to the user of the code. This is a black box view of the code. Keep this in mind and write your scaladoc comments for an audience that knows very little about what your software does.

Because this is an API it is appropriate to:

Go to syntax to see how to insert markup.

How to Run Scaladoc
for this Example

(Scala will need to be downloaded and installed for this to work)

  1. Make a directory for the generated web pages, md api
  2. Change directory, cd api
  3. Run the the tool,
    scaladoc <space separated list of directories with a *.scala wildcard>

Alternate Ways to Run Scaladoc

Note: Tested and built from the command prompt using:

See also

Scala code used to generate what you're looking at now

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class classSample extends AnyRef

    Start right off with the description of what the class does.

  2. class syntax extends AnyRef

    Just like javadoc, scaladoc comments are identified by adding an extra asterisk to the start of the comment block.

  3. class termsAndConditions extends AnyRef

    This is the place to put the legalese.

Value Members

  1. package subCode

    If you are having trouble getting the package descriptions to show up with scaladoc, the following might help: